As one doc from Lybrate said that teneligliptin is not the safest. Could you please suggest the safest cardioprotective and renoprotective antidiabetic medicine in lieu of teneligliptin 20 mg as my hba1c is 6 .i m taking teneligliptin 20 mg for last three years. I am on repace 50 mg and novastat 5 mg. My lipid is fine. Serum creatinine is 0.93.fbg 111 ppg 134. Weight 58 kg height 5.11 diabetes for 12 years. Diet 150 gram 150 gram (uncooked rice) two times 2 chapattis at night. Morning brisk walk for 50 minutes. Please tell me whether 8 hours or 12 hours fasting required for fasting blood sugar. Age 49 years.
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Hello, Thanks for the query. Teneleglipin is being widely used in treating diabetes by many doctors. There are a few who say tenelegliptin may cause some electrical disturbances in heart. But a number of studies do show the safety of Tenelegliptin. "Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a well-known risk factor for cardiovascular disease and chronic kidney disease (CKD). Various drugs including DPP4 inhibitors with different pharmacologic profile are being used in patients with type 2 diabetes for improving glycaemic control. Cardiovascular (CV) safety is one of the important aspects while selecting the glucose lowering therapies. In addition, DPP-4 inhibitors differ in their mode of excretion and degree of accumulation, which require dose/frequency modification in patients with impaired renal function. Therefore, understanding the cardio-renal safety profile of DPP4 inhibitors is of great importance. Teneligliptin is a DPP4 inhibitor, approved recently for the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus. The purpose of the present review is to integrate published literature and evaluate the cardio-renal safety of teneligliptin in type 2 diabetic patients. As per the available evidence, teneligliptin has apparently positive effects on CV safety markers like no QT prolongation at clinically relevant dose, small but significant improvement in left ventricular (LV) function, improvement in adiponectin levels and improvement in endothelial dysfunction. These findings support the cardiovascular safety of teneligliptin in T2DM patients. Dual route of excretion makes teneligliptin suitable (no dose adjustment required) for T2DM patients with renal failure. Available clinical evidence suggests that teneligliptin exerts cardiovascular safety in T2DM patients. This drug can be used in T2DM patients with CKD including end stage renal disease patients without any major safety concern" This reference does tell you about the safety of Tenelegliptin. Thanks.
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Your blood sugar is controlled acceptably with present medicines,but if you dont believe in your treating physician's advise then,as you asked,other commonly used drugs from this group are Linagliptin,Sitaglipotin,Vildagliptin.
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I can understand your concern regarding the safety of drug. With hba1c of 6, their are safer options available. You can also try for aerobic and muscle strengthening exercises along with medical nutrition therapy. Research trials does mention about its benefits and some individuals have become free from diabetic medicine. Fasting means no oral intake for minimum of 8 hours, water is allowed. For example, if you had a cup of milk at 10 pm you can check fasting around 6 am, provided that you have not consume anything from 10 pm to 6 am except water. For further guidance, you can plan for consultation.
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