Sir my fbg is 111/118 at 4 am after fasting for 8 hours but it becomes 125/130 at 5 am. Taking teneligliptin 20 mg repace50 mg novastat 5 mg and pioz 15 at night. Ppg 135 and it remains normal through out the day. Hba1c is 6 serum creatinine 0.93 .lipid is good except hdl which is below normal. Bun 8 .weight 58 kg. Height 5.11 inch.brisk walk for 1 hour. Dinner only 2 chapattis. Why my fbg is high? Please suggest ways or medicine to correct my morning hyperglycemia.
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Even fbs around 111 to 125 is not something you need to be worried about. Moreover you have very good hba1c, which clearly indicates good diabetes control. There are safer drug available today. In this light, little change is required in your diabetes management. In dinner, instead of chappatis, take salad, dal, etc. You can plan for consultation. We will help you. Take care.
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This is more or less ok. So don’t worry relax. Along with medicines follow diabetes diet which simply means eating the healthiest foods in moderate amounts and sticking to regular mealtimes. A diabetes diet is a healthy-eating plan that's naturally rich in nutrients and low in fat and calories. Key elements are fruits, vegetables and whole grains. U can take (moderate amount) grapes. Apples. Berries. Citrus fruits. Papaya. U should avoid sugar-sweetened beverages. Sugary beverages are the worst drink choice for someone with diabetes. Trans fats sugar, cake, pastries mithai/sweets chocolate fruits like mango, litchi etc. White bread, pasta fruit-flavored yogurt. Sweetened breakfast cereals. Flavored coffee drinks. Honey 1. Don't take tea empty stomach. Eat something like a banana (if you are not diabetic) or soaked almonds or any seasonal fruit. No only biscuits or rusk will not do. 2. Take your breakfast every day. Don't skip it. 3. Have light meals every 2 hours (in addition to your breakfast, lunch n dinner) e.g. Nariyal paani, chaach, a handful of dry fruits, a handful of peanuts, seasonal fruit, a cup of curd/milk etc 4. Finish your dinner at least 2 hours before going to sleep. 5. Maintain active life style 6. Avoid fast foods, spicy n fried foods 7.take a lot of green vegetables n fruit. 8. Drink lot of water. 9.curd is good for u. Exercise in the form of yoga, cycling, swimming, gymming, walking etc. Do suryanamaskar for good health regularly for more details you can consult me.
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Upto 130 fasting is considered normal in diabetic patients. Do not worry you are on rigt track. Just walk 40 mins everyday. And continue same medications your sugars will be fine and you too.
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