Hello doctor, i'm a 27 years old female. I have been suffering from depression and anxiety for many years and a psychiatrist prescribed me to take antidepressants and antipsychotic medications such as escitalopram 10 mg, sertraline 50 mg and olanzapine 10 mg since couple of years. It's hard for me to not take antidepressants and antipsychotic medicine as I get extreme anxiety and physical discomfort like nausea and loss of appetite. I also have had hemorrhoids since last year and a doctor prescribed me to take Himalaya pilex tablets for it. I had never been sexually active before but I hope to after few weeks. I want to avoid pregnancy so I started to take over the counter birth control pills since couple of days ago. So my question is, would it be okay for me to take antidepressants and antipsychotic medication with pilex tablets while taking birth control? I have to take birth control pill every night after dinner and antidepressants and antipsychotic medicine every night before sleep. The pilex tablets also have to be taken at night. Will the birth control pills will be less effective if I take all other medications with it? Please kindly answer.
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Dear lybrate-user, please consult your psychiatrist and obstetrician about the effectiveness, interaction, etc. The consultation is mainly for alternate methods of birth control. It is good to plan birth control while on these drugs. But there are other methods apart from pills. Most pills contain hormones that cause depression. You can not stop antipsychotic and antidepressants. Birth control pills will not become less effective due to them. About pilex, an ayurvedic doctor will be able to answer.
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You need to meet your treating doctor and get the medicines checked with drug interaction checker and then take. You have not mentioned the name of the ocps. There is no way to cross check allopathy can medicines and the himalaya pilex thing you are taking. Good luck.
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The answer is both very simple and difficult at the same time. On the pretext, don?t think that you are the only one. According to WHO there are more than 350 million suffering from depression. If you think you want to overcome depression you really can. Waiting for somebody to come and do it for you will be a long wait and probably your situation will worsen. Realize this that YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE who can bring yourself out of it. Here is what you should do 1) Identify the reason: Accepting and identifying the reason will help you get real. Think of alternatives that could have been done. Nobody gets everything. Everyone has one or other thing lagging. Learn from the incident and move on promising yourself to not commit such mistakes. 2) A small vacation: Plan a small trip, which you have been ignoring for a long time. It need not to be a costly one, but something which could take out of this place and please don?t carry your metal baggage. Give time to yourself. Talk to strangers and you yourself will witness that the earth is such a nice place to be. 3) Talk about it: The biggest mistake which people suffering from depression do is that they distance themselves from others. Talk to your friends and family about it and let them know how you feel. You are not doing this to have their sympathy rather you are doing it because they care for you and deserve to know your state. The remembrance of happy moments which you shared with them will help you in coming out of it. 4) Pick up a hobby: As rightly said that an ideal brain is a devil?s workshop. Continue your hobbies or pick a new one. The possibilities are endless and who knows where it will take you. A personal note here I happen to know a person who started landscaping just because she wanted to come out of her depression. Today she is a proud owner of a terrace garden and is one of the cheerful members of my gang. 5) Seek professional help: If the problem is severe there is no harm in taking professional help. After all, they are the people who have seen many like you are back to normal In the end it all depend on YOU. You are driving force of your life. A popular hindi song says ?duniya mai kitna gam hai, mera gam kitna kam hai ?(there is so much sorrow I this world compared to which my miseries are so less). Experience the joy of giving and sharing. Afterall life is all about how we interact with each other
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Hi it's not a regular practice to give 2 ssri together. I would instead stop ed italia ram to mirtazapine. If you are planning for pregnancy discuss with a perinatal psychiatrist.
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