It has been 10 years since l started wearing specs due to blurry vision. Due to specs my nose get tilted more to left side. How will my nose get back to normal?
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I am sorry to hear about your concern but will be happy to assist you. If your glasses look crooked or tilted heavily to one side, it is likely the result of crooked temple arms. If your eyeglasses appear level on your face but sit crooked when resting on a flat surface, this may mean that one of your ears is higher than the other. Let's connect over a call so that we can discuss your concern in details and make a suitable treatment plan for you.
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Hello. I would like to know the power of your glasses first. Larger powers come with heavy glasses, but they can be made lightweight by suitable frames. I will be needing a picture of you (front view and sideways view - both right and left side) before commenting anything about your tilted nose. You can contact me anytime with all these necessary details so that we can come to a conclusion for you and decide about what is to be done in future. Hope this helps. Thank you.
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