It's been around 4-5 months since i've had a small lump or more like a swollen piece of flesh on my eyelid below the eyebrow, above the end of my eye. I went to an ophthalmologist and she mentioned it's just an inflammation and that I should be warming that area with a piece of cloth. I didn't do it yet but it's been 2 days i've been having a sudden pain in my eye. The pain is towards the inner side of the eye and the veins there is a little more red than usual. I do wear specs and the eye power for it is 0.5 d. What might be the reason for this. Is there any way I can reduce the pain. Also in the morning when I wake up, I often wake with a dry eye and when I pour water it burns for several minutes. I have dry eyes. Please do help. thank you!
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I am sorry to hear about your concern but will be happy to assist you. A chalazion is a small, usually painless, lump or swelling that appears on your eyelid. A blocked meibomian or oil gland causes this condition. It can develop on the upper or lower eyelid, and may disappear without treatment. Chalazia is the term for multiple chalazion. Let's connect over a call so that we can discuss your concern in details and make a suitable treatment plan for you.
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Hello. Based on your description, it looks like the lump is an infected swelling (can be cyst). Your symptoms also are suggestive of acute inflammation. Hot water fomentation helps a lot in such situation. So please do that. Also some oral medicines need to be started right away for controlling the infection and subjective relief, otherwise it may go into a stage of cellulitis. One needs to see the lump first for giving appropriate treatment. So kindly provide a photograph for the same. You can reach me out for further queries and treatment plan. Thank you.
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