Many problems 1 I have anxiety problem, like social anxiety but due to good sleep I feel less anxious 2 I have gastric problem but sometimes if I taking food with sauce or tea, suddenly cramping pain and I feel relax only after emptying bowl 3 I have hair fall and allergy dermatitis 4 I have premature ejaculation due to bad habit of rubbing penis on bed 5 I feel sore throat after eating anything 6 I have lower back pain also so tell me exact problem and medicine.
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Hello, greetings from your ayurveda wellness coach. To answer your questions 1 by 1, a combination of fear and anxiety may lead to many practical issues in young adults and may lead to confusion and affect the performance overall. In your case, as you have clearly mentioned about your problems, I can assure you that these problems can be easily resolved with some fine tuning techniques along with modified diet and lifestyle and if necessary, some natural ayurveda medicines. One good thing I can suggest to you at this moment is, soon after this pandemic, you can attend a 1-day program of effective public speaking which is very helpful for you, it is generally given by many social service people like jci which may be available at your city/town. You gastric problems are mainly due to excessive pitta what we call in ayurveda, and this can be corrected with some simple changes in diet and can be corrected with single medicine too. Diet is important however. Hair fall and allergic dermatitis again can be due to improper absorption issues and nutritional deficiencies and once your hyperacidity gets resolved, hopefully this can be resolved. Premature ejaculation is again a factor of pitta and this can be corrected some medications and a bit of counselling if needed. Sore throat again can be due to hyperacidity and sometimes regurgitation of the food that you take. It is a kind of reflux disorder. Lower back can occur due to weak bones and working style. However, in order to correct these problems, it is very must to consult me so that I can offer a combination of medication that helps you in dealing all these problems as I see there is an interlinking between all of the complaints and for which we do prakriti analysis and you need to consult for this.
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For exact problem needs details of case. As these may or may not be interrelated problems. In the meanwhile follow this 1. Don't take tea empty stomach. Eat something like a banana (if you are not diabetic) or any seasonal fruit or soaked almonds and a glass of water first thing in the morning (within 10 mins of waking up). No only biscuits or rusk will not do. 2. Don't overeat 3. Take your breakfast every day. Don't skip it. U should eat whatever your mother or grandparent eat in bfast. I mean to say whatever is your traditional food. If punjabi eat paratha, if belongs to south then take idli/ dosa etc. 4. Have light meals every 2 hours (in addition to your breakfast, lunch n dinner) e.g. Nariyal paani, chaach, a handful of dry fruits, a handful of peanuts, any fresh n seasonal fruit, a cup of curd/milk etc 5. Finish your dinner at least 2 hours before going to sleep. 6. Maintain active life style7. Avoid fast foods, spicy n fried foods, carbonated beverages 8. Take a lot of green vegetables n fruit. 9. Drink lot of water.10. Everyday preferably sleep on same time exercise in the form of yoga, cycling, swimming, gym etc.Till lock down do suryanamaskar every day. for this homeopathy offers good results. Consult online.
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Anxiety disorder due to altered serotonin in the mind (brain) is the likely cause for your symptoms. It would be wise to consult a psychiatrist and get proper evaluation and treatment would lead to improvement in most if not all the symptoms in about 2-8 weeks. Good luck.
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