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Resp sir/mam, I am a 26 year old male having backpain for 4 months. Initially it was on lower left side of spine but today it is at right side and slightly above. I had many visits to the nearby hospital and received shortwave diathermy for 7-8 days which gave some relief. I apply osteoflam which gives temporary relief. Please help as the pain seems to settle somewhere deep and is discomforting. Whenever I sit with straight posture there is no pain, but when my back posture couch it starts paining somewhere deep in the back. Also, after doing some amount of exercise the pain subsides for sometime. I know that I need to loose few pounds as my stomach is bulging but first I need to be cured. Ps: there is no pain in the legs so it is not a case of slip disc thankfully.

1Doctor Answered
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