My father is 52 years old since 4 months he is suffering from left hand up- below neck pain alot no pain killers or calcium tablets work. After xray too there's no problem with the bone nothing sir, he don't know what to do next but the pain keeps on increasing day by day, doctors checked him thoroughly and prescribed pain killers that didn't work too sir pls suggest us what to do next doctor he suffers alot due to pain thank you doctor, he is a diabetic patient and 2 months back the diabetic doctor changed his tablet from volibo 0.2 to volix 0.3 since then his pain is not getting down.
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Do?s and don?ts for neck pain: do?s ?do turn to one side while getting up from supine position. ?use hot pack for your neck. ?use towel roll under the neck during supine lying. ?use pillow of normal thickness in side lying position. ?do isometrics for neck. ?arms should be supported in one of the three positions:?? hands in pocket ? ?hands on thighs/or on table. ?? hand behind back with elbow straight. ?in order to avoid holding the head in the same position for long periods, take break while driving, watching tv or working on a computer. ?use a seat belt when in a car. ?use cervical collar in case of giddiness. ?retraction of shoulders every hour: move shoulders backward. Don?t?s ?don?t sleep straight. ?don t? bend your neck. ?avoid hanging of arms. ?avoid sitting sitting for prolonged prolonged period of time in stressful stressful postures postures. ?do not lift heavy weights on head or back. ?do not drive for long hours; take breaks. ?avoid habit of holding the telephone on one shoulder and leaning at it for long time. ?do not take many pillows below the neck and shoulder while sleeping, ?in order to turn around, do not twist your neck or the body; instead turn around by moving your feet first. Cervical spondylosis? chronic condition with radiating pain this is cervical pain (neck pain) and that's the reason the pain radiates until the shoulder blades. If you keep ice that would help and along side you can do hot water fermentation. You shall use cervical collar which would help you to reduce the radiating pain ie. Due to the nerve compression. You have to go for traction and also you can do ift. Please consult the near by therapist for quick relief. Since you have pain for more than 10 years it is suggestible to go for cervical muscle strengthening exercise. Use collar will definitely be helpful for him to maintain the good posture. And also cervical pillow can be used which might make you to have better posture of the shoulder neck and arm. Neck tilt: from the sitting position, tilt your head down so your chin touches your chest. Hold this position for 5 second s. Return to the starting position and repeat. Do this five times. Side-to-side neck tilt. From the same starting position, tilt you neck toward one shoulder, leading with your ear. Hold for 5 seconds and then return to the starting position. Do this five times on each side. Neck turn. Look straight ahead, then turn your head to one side, keeping your chin at the same level. Do this five times on each side. Neck stretch. Holding the rest of your body straight, push your chin forward, stretching your throat. Hold for 5 seconds. From the same starting position, push your chin backward and hold for 5 seconds. Do the forward and backward stretch five times each. If any of these exercises cause severe pain or weakness in your hands or arms, stop right away and talk with your doctor. We suggest you to wear cervical collar which will help you to improve the cervical angle and also it definitely helps you to improve the neck posture due to which your neck pain is triggered more. The importance of wearing cervical collar is to give good stability to the neck and also it definitely prevents you to have excess neck movements which makes the condition worse. If you wear cervical collar you cannot turn your neck as you like which itself will help you to have better functioning of the cervical spine. This cervical soft collar what we are suggesting for you is available at our clinic. If you want you can buy from us, if you are far away from chennai we can send you by courier. The reason why we are conveying you to buy from us is we can demonstrate over the videocall (using whatsapp) and also we can monitor you throughout when to wear it and how long to wear it. And also if you find any difficulty wearing the brace you can also revert back to us for few more suggestions and we can propose you good solution how to go about it.
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Hello lybrate-user, I understand your concerns. As a specialist in pain I would like to know more about the pain and shoulder movements as this history seems incomplete to comment on. But usually, this kind of presentation is quite common in diabetics. Simple conditions like formation of a band of tense muscles or a trigger point (pain at one point) or even a radiculopathy (compression of a nerve bundle supplying the arm or leg). Just tablets won't do the trick sometimes unless the faulty biomechanics are addressed to. It would need proper diagnosis first followed by other interventions. If you need further assistance feel free to book online consultation with me and you can furnish me the missing data which will be helpful for diagnosis.
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