Tsh level is 17.01 instead of taking thyrox 100 tab. One year before it was ok with this medicine. But now it's high. So she should take what power of thyrox medicine for her controlled tsh level. Her age is 55, weight 70 kgs, height 5'5, taking bp medicine also, and foods including roti, rice, dal, vegetables, tea and normal water. Please reply as soon as possible and her t3, t4 values are ok.
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does she do any exercises other than house hold work? When a person is on adequate dosage of levothyroxine t3 & t4 are in the normal range (as specified by each lab) & tsh is around 3 to 4 mu/l. So it is clear that she needs to increase the dosage. Thanks." mednames="">Hello, thanks for the query. I have seen the details given. High tsh suggests current dosage of levothyroxine (thyrox) is inadequate. It is essential to know the t3 & t4 levels too. (by saying "normal" nothing is clear. Another aspect with a bmi (body mass index) of 25.72 kg/sq meter (normal < 23 kg/sq meter) she is over weight, which is again suggestive of uncontrolled hypothyroidism. The food details given do not give any idea. It is necessary to know the type and quatity of foo taken during breakfast, lunch, dinner and if any snacks taken in between. What is the physical activity being done> does she do any exercises other than house hold work? When a person is on adequate dosage of levothyroxine t3 & t4 are in the normal range (as specified by each lab) & tsh is around 3 to 4 mu/l. So it is clear that she needs to increase the dosage. Thanks.
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