I am on anti anxiety medicine since a year now. Currently taking ciplar la 20 and beta anxit 20. I get tightness in head around my medicine time of day, it gets better when I take the medicine. Also I feel same tightness in head and slight breathlessness after pooping. This pooping thing doesn't happens every time, if pooping is of urgent type or if I go to poop frequently like in gap of a hour (specially in morning time). Some days it gets very bad that even it takes 4-5 hours to calm the body. Is it normal with anxiety disorder or my medicine is not enough for my condition? I did check my heart rate on mobile app like mine and most of the time in lying state it was around 75-80 and sometimes rarely one or two times a day if I move around or wakes up after day sleep it goes max upto 100. My ecg told sinus tachycardia and echo is normal.
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Dear lybrate-user, anxiety has both psychological and bodily reaction to the anticipated fear. It is mediated through the autonomic nervous system. Gastrointestinal system is no exception. All the symptoms that you have (tightness around head, slight breathlessness, urgent pooping, frequent pooping in the morning, heart rate of 100 one or two times) are all the bodily symptoms of anxiety. The medicines that you are taking alone are not enough. You are young and you need to face a lot of anxieties in life. So, learn a non medical method of managing your anxiety. May be exercise, yoga and pranayama, meditation or therapy or jacobson's progressive relaxation. The last two will be taught by a clinical psychologist or a trained psychiatrist.
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Your psychological problems of anxiety disorders can be removed by psychological counseling and psychological autosuggestion therapy through the online process for three weeks without any medication. You can contact me for this on Lybrate website thank you.
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You could review your dosage with the doctor but even then I think that you are working yourself up and conditioning your reactions to certain functions like you describe. These are somewhat hysterical reactions and should be developed too much. My advise is that you seek some counseling too to develop some skills and tools to decondition yourself and as well as to deal with fear: anxiety is abnormal fear due to not handling normal fear properly. So anxiety has all to do with fear and your inability (or so you would tend to think) to handle the same. Fear is based on looking too much into the future and imagining things that usually do not tend to happen (usually 90% of your fears will not happen). You need to change your perception of the fearful stimulus then you can change your response to the fear. The first one is the best and will preempt the need for the second. If you are already far gone into the reaction mode, then you need both responses to counter the attack. The way we see things in life (like half empty or half full glass) is very dependent on our attitude. Attitude may have developed over many years but fortunately can change in a matter of sustained choices made and acted up on now. Sometimes, fear may have originated in childhood and your body, more than you brain, remembers the emotion and will react with heightened fear even for the slightest provocation or stimulus. Sometimes, you may not even need a stimulus! these matters can ideally be resolved in therapy only, and exclusively. Accordingly, you choose to see things as either threatening or as an opportunity. The opportunist will be positive and work with the situation to make good out of it. The individual who sees it as threatening, will, out of fear, try to avoid/run away from the situation or react with anxiety. Yes, self-belief does impact it too, but you can see that prior to that, perception will tarnish the belief system too. Here, you can see that all the resolution lies in just changing your perception/attitude, even if it is against odds. Changing your response, despite the perception, is building up of your reserves and resources to handle any contingency that life throws up at you. And life throws up situations quite regularly and heavily. For this you need to develop a fit mind and body: the former, by meditation and mind exercises; and the later, by exercises and proper diet. You need good sleep too. Included in the development of the mind is the handling of emotions, in your case, fear. These changes will give you a handle on life and your perceptions and responses. Prayer is really powerful, if you are a spiritual person. Repeat some personally framed affirmations that are geared to calming you down and building confidence. Do a personality development course too. Anything that develops you personally will be of great assistance in building resilience.
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Taking allopathic medicine in your case is not recomended for long time. You must try any new advanced psychological therapies like lfms, mindfulness, eft, erp and natural medicine like bach flower medciine. Get consult in detail with a psychologist or psychotherapist who has these tools in your area for better result and get rid of the symptoms totally witout life time medication. You may get help from me if you want by sending message. Thank you.
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