What are the reasons for increment in heart diseases day by day and how to manage them?
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Our lifestyle that is getting westenised, incidence of heart diseases has come down over there due to increased awareness, good weather, less humans and more doctors for each human, we are aping the wrongs of west and have no guts to be ourselves like our ancient culture has taught us to be one with nature, to consume less and to work more. For going to market to buy advertised junk food, just 1 km away if one has to drive suv in tiny lanes, result is road rage, tension, extra bad fats, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, wrong type of gymns (not plain simple walks) energy boosting foods containing steroids. Etc etc.
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1. Avoid stress, anxiety, physical and mental strain 2. Reduce your weight if over weight, control bp, control cholesterol, control diabetes 3. Go for regular exercise 4. Control your diet. Take diet low in salt, cholesterol and saturated fat. Avoid red meat, sugar, high fat diary product, spicy, oily, junk, fried and processed food. Take plenty of green leafy vegetables, fruits, whole grain food 5. Drink plenty of water (6-8 glasses of water daily). 6. Take adequate rest. 7-8 hours of sleep is required to remain healthy 7. Practice yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercise like pranayama to calm your mind, control your emotion and relieve stress 8. Stop smoking, alcohol and tobacco intake 9. Avoid sedentary life style.
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