Hello, I need some advice. I am a 40 years old female, I have chronic anxiety, I was on pills that worked well for 1 years felt lot better so I stopped them. Again after few months anxiety/depression were back, one friend suggested ayurvedic medicines work well too and no side effects. So next time I got ayurvedic medicines 2 variety of pills and within few weeks the anxiety symptoms got worse, I got more tremors and more anxious and stopped the medicines. That doctor his treatment was bad, very commercial. Again I tried going back to English medicine but same effects were also giving me more anxiety even with the lowest doses. Doctors tried to put me on different anxiety medicines but none of them worked. All are having the same effect more tremors and nervousness. The last medicine that I took was propranolol 20 mg for tremors. My question is what should I do about the anxiety, just live with it or is there any other solution for me? Kindly suggest.
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Hi ma’am there are many different medications available for anxiety which may help you. I’m sure that all these classes have not been tried yet. You can also try cognitive behavioural therapy with a therapist. In the mean time, you may try deep breathing exercises and muscle relaxation exercises to help you relax. Do consider consulting a doctor for some medications to tide over the crisis. Hope this helps best wishes.
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Dear Friendlivana, Just live with it, is a solution. But your quality of life will improve with treatment. Treatment need not be ayurvedic or english medicine. It can be therapy or Jacobson's deep muscle relaxation!
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