I have anxiety and depression. I had paxidep 12.5 2 years. Then I was ok and doctor stopped. After 2 months again I started getting tension without my permission. Can not control. I consult with doctor he gives me another tablet serta 25. I had that 3 days but still it can not control. Can not sleep well. Always death fear. Negative thoughts without my permission. Body getting tired. I do not know what to do im really afraid of this. Is this curable?
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Hello, Practicing yoga with homoeopathic medication helps you in releasing the stress from your body. Brisk walk in a park will help you inhale more fresh air and oxygen for good functioning of the cells and tissues of the body. Medication: Take Schwabe?s Bacopa Monierri 1x/ thrice daily and Kali Phos. 6x/ once at night. Yogasana: Practice the following poses if you don?t have any medical condition or pregnancy or else take an advice from your concern doctor and then only perform these. 1. Balasana: Sit on your heels with your big toes touching and hands resting on your thighs. Lower your belly and chest to rest between your knees, bringing your forehead to the floor. Relax your arms back beside your shins, palms facing up. Soften your breath by taking 5 to 10 long, deep inhalations and exhalations. 2. Savasana: lie back, letting your body sink into and open around the support. End in a supported pose on your back with a folded blanket under the length of the spine to help arch the upper and middle back, and lengthen the lower back. Move your arms a comfortable distance away from your body and anything else around you. Turn your palms to face up. Separate your legs a natural distance apart. Relax your feet and let them roll open. Finally, do a mental scan from head to toe: Where are you holding tension. Release it from every part of your body?including your heart and head. 3. Bhujanasana: Slowly slide forward from Child's Pose to lie facedown. Press your toes and forehead gently into the floor. Rest your palms lightly on the floor on either side of your chest with fingertips pointing forward and elbows bent and hugging in toward your ribcage. Inhale and lift your chest from the heart, pressing only very lightly into your palms and mostly using your back strength to hold your shoulders and chest up. Soften your shoulders. Then lift your hands off the floor completely, broadening across your collarbones and reaching your heart up. Take a couple of deep, slow breaths here. Then as you exhale, place your palms back down and gently lower your chest to floor. don't stop your on going medication abruptly, gradually reduce the dose
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Hi lybrate-user, Yes it is curable with the right kind of treatment. Some people get fine after a year or two some have to take for a longer period. Consider it like any other disorder- hypertension etc. So don't bother about medicines your health needs to get better. Stick to one doctor and complete full course eventually the dosage will be reduced. Apart from that for negative thoughts practice Mindful Breathing The primary goal of mindful breathing is simply a calm, nonjudging awareness, allowing thoughts and feelings to come and go without getting caught up in them. Sit comfortably, with your eyes closed and your spine reasonably straight. Bring your attention to your breathing. ?Imagine that you have a balloon in your tummy. Every time you breathe in, the balloon inflates. Each time you breathe out, the balloon deflates. Notice the sensations in your abdomen as the balloon inflates and deflates. Your abdomen rising with the in-breath, and falling with the out-breath. Thoughts will come into your mind, and that?s okay, because that?s just what the human mind does. Simply notice those thoughts, then bring your attention back to your breathing. Likewise, you can notice sounds, physical feelings, and emotions, and again, just bring your attention back to your breathing. You don?t have to follow those thoughts or feelings, don?t judge yourself for having them, or analyse them in any way. It?s okay for the thoughts to be there. Just notice those thoughts, and let them drift on by, bringing your attention back to your breathing. Whenever you notice that your attention has drifted off and is becoming caught up in thoughts or feelings, simply note that the attention has drifted, and then gently bring the attention back to your breathing. It's okay and natural for thoughts to enter into your awareness, and for your attention to follow them. No matter how many times this happens, just keep bringing your attention back to your breathing. Consult a psychologist for therapy and need not worry. All the best.
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