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Do whitening toothpastes whiten teeth more than regular toothpastes? Is it safe to microwave food in plastic containers?
2Doctors Answered
91% (682 ratings)
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S whitening toothpastes lighten your teeth slightly wen compared to regular toothpastes.
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The simplest method of removing minor surface stains is polishing, or micro-abrasion if staining is more intrinsic. Provided that your discolouration is not due to inadequate enamel exposing the dentin, tooth whitening (bleaching) is often the most effective treatment for yellow stained teeth. Advance procedures can be done with laser. Use snowdent tooth paste for whitening until then. Apply snowdent paste on the teeth. Wait for 10 to 15 min. Then brush your teeth with the same paste. Applying it overnight for better results.
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