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Health Query

After how many days of sexual intimacy can we do a beta hcg blood test in case of irregular periods. I have pcod and I will get my period every month but sometimes my period will be like brown spotting I only missed my period in april and july completely. And on august 2nd to aug 6 I have had brown spotting and on november 6th to november 10th I have had spotting. So my menstrual cycle ranges from 29-47 days. So according to this, 1) when can I take a beta hcg test for accurate results in irregular period cycles? 2) I started taking dronis 30 from november 12th (7th day of cycle) and if the 21 days pills are over can I get a beta hcg test? Will that have any interference with the beta hcg test like getting false negatives or false positives? 3) and also please tell me in case of late ovulation when can we do a beta hcg test? Thank you in advance.

1Doctor Answered
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