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My wife has 3 times abortion including one ectopic pregnancy last year. This time we have done folicular study for 04 months and finally she conceived. Her lmp was 16/04/15. We have done hcg count day before yesterday and it was 31056, eight days before it was 2810. See suddenly noticed last night slight red dropping in her underwear. Since she had three times abortion with same kind of spoting I am very much worried. Every time hcg was never so high, last miscarriage hcg was 1021, but now hcg being so high at 6th week but stil there is spotting. Please advice urgently. We are going for usg today evening. Thanks.
1Doctor Answered
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Even slightest spotting is not a welcome sign. It needs to be addressed urgently. Now at so high level of b-HCG (even if there was no bleeding) , the TVS scan must be done to locate the pregnancy (to rule out ectopic) and to detect it's viability. NowNow as she is having spotting, she must be checked urgently by an urgent TVS and also by clinical examination (if TVS is normal- to examine her cervix, as sometimes benign conditions of cervix causes bleeding). In the mean time, ask her to avoid straining, avoid vaginal drugs and intercourse.
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