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My grand mother of age 73 suffered from Ovarian cancer stage - 2. As she is very old so we are totally confused if we apply for chemo, then she already have a low Immune , so she can not tolerate . But if we do not treat anything than she will quickly enter into cancer phase - 3. So please suggest in this regard shall we go for a chemo treatment or we will give her some ayurvedic pills. Onemre important thing is after we have found the ovarian phase 2 cancer we have made immediate surgery of entire ovary. Now she is feeling improved health but we are unsure how many days we can keep her safe with out Chemo. Your valuable advice will be highly appreciated.
1Doctor Answered
92% (49 ratings)
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If patient is not for chemotherapy, just get receptors on blocks er, pr and update. Consult medical oncologist to asses fitness for chemo. Stage 2 has lower incidence of recurrence, get serial ca125 levels and imaging once in 3 months.
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