I am 20 years old boy. My face is oily. Pimples are my biggest problem. Pimples are just damaging my face. I have used all type of natural.
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Take following homoeo medicines berberus aquifolium Q 30 ml Sbl or any company 10 drops 3 times per day in water also apply berberis aq oin. Both avaliable in homoeo medical or online. Take full sleep no late night drink planty water eat vegetables fruits wash face with himilaya face wash
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Hi use chandan face pack every night for a 15 days. And try to avoid red chilly and hot and oily dishes. Use neem or some medicated face wask twice a day for 15 days then again respond bask to me will let you know what to do next take care.
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Do not prick the pimples. Wash face with cold water 4-5 times a day. Use natural mild face wash. Drink 3-4 litrs of water. Eat fruits everyday. Drink green tea. Use natural fruit pack. Take 1 pc of carrot 1 pc tomato, 1 pc apple grind it mixed with honey and few drops of lemon juice. Apply on your skin. Don't use any ointment it will harmful. Soo with this you need proper homeopathic treatment for cure. Soo you can contact me through Lybrate in private conversation.
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