I had Acne problem how to get Relief from pimples and Ruff skin and also having Little scars kindly need suggestions for me Thank you.
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Acne is a common problem and is usually treatable. You may need treatment for several months to clear spots. Inflamed acne needs to be treated early to prevent scarring. Acne is the common cause of spots. Most people with acne are aged between 12 and 25 but some older and younger people are affected. Acne usually affects the face but may also affect the back, neck and chest. About 8 in 10 teenagers develop some degree of acne. Often it is mild. However, it is estimated that about 3 in 10 teenagers have acne bad enough to need treatment to prevent scarring. Untreated acne usually lasts about 4-5 years before settling. However, it can last for many years in some cases. There are certain myths and wrongly held beliefs about acne: @ Acne is not caused by poor hygiene. In fact, excessive washing may make it worse. @ Stress does not cause acne. @ Acne is not just a simple skin infection. The cause is a complex interaction of changing hormones, sebum, overgrowth of normally harmless germs (bacteria), inflammation, etc . You cannot catch acne - it is not passed on through touching (contagious). @Acne cannot be cured by drinking lots of water. @There is no evidence to say that sunbathing or sunbeds will help to clear acne. @ Some people believe that acne cannot be helped by medical treatment. This is not true. Treatments usually work well if used correctly. Skin care required for people with acne: @Do not wash more than normal. Twice a day is normal for most people. Use a mild soap and lukewarm water. (Very hot or cold water may worsen acne.) Do not scrub hard when washing acne-affected skin. Do not use abrasive soaps, cleansing granules, astringents, or exfoliating agents. Use a soft washcloth and fingers instead. Excess washing and scrubbing may cause more inflammation and possibly make acne worse. @ Antiseptic washes may be beneficial. @ You cannot clean off blackheads. The black tip of a blackhead is actually skin pigment (melanin) and cannot be removed by cleaning or scrubbing. Homeopathic treatment is best for people with acne as it is mild and without any side effects. Now besides medicines, good soaps and facewash are available which doesn't harm skin and help removing acne spots. Pls consult via lybrate with details of your symptoms for treatment.
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Pimples occur mainly due to hormonal imbalances which causes an overproduction of oil and cells inside a skin follicle. They block the opening of the skin pore and cause the follicle under the skin to swell and become red. It usually starts in teenage, but most of the time lasts into adulthood. Pimples can’t be cured, but it can be controlled with treatment. There are many over the counter medications available in pharmacy but you need to use skin products which are most suitable to your skin. Avoid taking anti-acne medications without knowing a skin type. Contact a dermatologist in your area to know your the cause of your pimples and let them advise you the medications and skin products most suitable to your skin for remarkable results. Treatment of acne includes medicines to reduce the outgrowths, use of skin products such as face wash, cleansers, moisturisers according to your skin type and a whole range of aesthetic procedures like peels, laser therapy to reduce the current outbreaks and clean the skin, extract blackheads and whiteheads and clean clogged pores. They are safe and do not harm your skin in a long run. To know more about which cosmetic procedure is best for your skin type, contact your nearest dermatologist today.
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