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I had a miscarriage on 23rd of april, 2015. I was 4 week 5 day pregnant. I got pregnant before getting my first period after my miscarriage. My concern is my bhcg was 1803 on 3rd of june n after 48hrs it was 26057. N today means 15th of june it is 88857. And I am just 4 week 5 day pregnant. Does this extremely high bhcg level indicate any abnormality? I dont have any pain or cramps. Please reply me as early as possible. I am very worried. Thank you.
1Doctor Answered
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Hi hcg levels rise differently in every case but your serum beta hcg levels are definitely high & rapidly increasing. Possible causes of high hcg levels are _ 1- wrong dates/miscalculation of dating of pregnancy 2- twin/multiple pregnancy 3- molar pregnancy best way to know the exact cause is to have ultrasound lower abdomen especially tvs earliest possible & by expert sonologist.
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