hello sir I was tech student .for last two months my mind thinks lots of stupid things like why I'm seeing .why I am speaking. Who iam. What I do. My hearts dose not feel. These type of question my kinds always created. Sir. Now im very irritated .i can not afford any psychiatrist I belongs from middle background please suggest me what I do sir. How I overcome forme these type of questions.
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Hi lybrate-user, for this it's not a compulsion to go to a psychiatrist and take medicine. There are other ways to come out from this. I suggest you to go to a professional means a good counsellor or a psychologist. As you said ou can't afford, there are many who are doing counselling for social cause. Let me know which area of Jaipur you are in, I might help you with this. Meanwhile Try to divert your mind. Start your day with a small goal of the day - that can be I WILL NOT THINK USELESS RATHER WILL FOCUS ON MY CAREER OR FUTURE. Spend time with people you love can be your family or friends. Talk about this to somebody rational and elder. Do things you love to do. Count what have you done today at the end of the day. Don't spend too much time on mobile. Practice deep breathing. Exercise or walk for at least half an hour each day. Do not have coffee or alcohol. Eat healthy NO to packed food. Thanks,
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