Hello doctors I want to share my problems of my nervousness and sensitiveness .even a very small things bother me .during xams time my preparation r well nor I think too much than also on these days I face a lots of problems like no eating .weakness .sleepiness hesitating. Negativity. Etc .and during xams time at hall specially on practical xams I know the sums even I know the question from whedoctor has came then also WO nai banega .and at home within 10 min it will b solved .friends and others told me don't get nervous in hall breathe in and out bt its don't work .only wastage of to time and again nervousness. That's y my xams got ruined every year .question like development etc even I have never read than also I can write a page about it bt in xams uff my brain stop working .4*9=36 bt I wrote 32 and I chked thrice bt I can't find the mistake in my sums I know answer was wrong bt I can't find mistake. And others problems like I'm very sensitive everything bother me .if anyone demoralized me I can't do any work. I feel very bad even when someone praise me than also I feel very happy bt praise is better as when someone praise me It not affect my daily life .bt anyone WO demoralized .angry scolded me my whole day. Even month and year I took time to forget .what to do man I don't want such a shit nature please help me doctor I'm 20 years old .and I'm normal guy .bt then also if some 15 years or other boy will threats me I got afraid even I know in fight I will win I'm right than also I feel afraid I'm fed of this. I don't want such a pathetic nature .people tells you r good person that's y .bt I don't wanna b good what is the benefit of being good .my friends do some naughtiness even I wanna do bt I can't .I don't want to change my good nature and manner bt nervousness .nd other above .affects me a lots its making my life hell here only so please help .sorry to write such a long .bt hope you understand ty. please help.
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Good Morning ~ If even small things are bothering you by making you nervous and another person with the same situation would probably tolerate the situation with ease, you most likely have what we term as generalized anxiety disorder and therefore treatment is recommended. I also recommend that you have a psychological evaluation and psychiatric medication treatment to get better quicker so that you will be able to function much better on a day to day basis. I am willing to help you out since you have taken the time to list out your symptoms and how bothersome they are for your daily living. I certainly believe that this situation can rapidly change and I will help you out with that situation. Â
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Nervousness seems to have immense adverse impact in your life & in your day to day functioning too, with negative impact in your studies & so frustration had started developing in you. The symptoms you are suffering from indicate that you are having excess anxiety within, & you even panic in some situations. Anxiety is a state which is characterized by unpleasant feeling of nervousness, uneasiness or worry, with lots of emotional turmoil within, leading to nervous behavior. It a normal emotion which occurs in response to any stress & it resolves spontaneously when the stress is gone. Everyone experiences anxiety now & then to some extent .But it is a disorder if the anxiety is very distressing, difficult to cope with, affects day to day functioning & disrupts normal life of a person. In Anxiety disorder the affected person experiences various symptoms, which include: ?Feelings of panic, fear, and uneasiness ?Sleep disturbance ?Palpitation or rapid heartbeat ?Cold or sweaty hands or feet ?Shortness of breath ?Restless feeling ?Tingling sensation or numbness in hands & feet ?Dizziness ?Vomiting tendency ?Stiffness of body ?Dry mouth ?Butterflies in stomach, a state where the person feels certain discomfort in stomach ?Problem with thinking clearly, concentrating & distraction, leading to forgetfulness ?Indigestion & abdominal pain ?Frequent urination ?Feeling weak or tired ?Headache ?Having a sense of impending danger, panic or doom ?Lightheaded. Anxiety Disorder may be: 1. Specific, in which the anxiety occurs in response to specific stress. 2. Generalized Anxiety disorder where there may be no specific triggering factors, & the anxiety symptoms are present all the time. 3. Secondary to physical illnesses like Heart disease, Diabetes, Thyroid problems such as hyperthyroidism, certain Respiratory disorders, Drug abuse or withdrawal, Chronic pain or irritable bowel syndrome, certain tumors that produce hormone imbalance etc. 4. Sometimes anxiety can be a side effect of certain medication. 5. A person may also get Panic attack, which is sudden episodes of anxiety lasting few minutes, when the person gets intense anxiety symptoms. It usually occurs without any triggering factor. The Anxiety or nervousness you are suffering from is usually triggered by stressful situations like exam time. Get yourself evaluated by a Psychiatrist, who will prescribe you medicines or advice you counseling sessions accordingly. The two main treatments for anxiety disorders are psychotherapy and medications or a combination of the two. Along with, take the following measures: ?Lead a healthy lifestyle. Go for a walk, exercise regularly, do some yoga or relaxation techniques daily. ?Have adequate sleep. ?Explore your own talents & feel good about yourself. ?Set goals which are realistic & within your capability & try to pursue them. ?Maintain a daily routine. ?Stay away from substance of abuse like alcohol, cannabis, inhalants, drugs etc. ?Enhance your coping skills & problem solving skills. ?Spend time with friends, family members or well wishers with whom you feel comfortable & positive. ?Rest in a dark room. ?Practice deep breathing & relaxation exercises ?Eat healthy food & reduce caffeine, tea, cola, and chocolate consumption. During exam it seems you experience intense anxiety symptoms that affects your performance in exam. The underlying anxiety is leading to your forgetting the answers you prepare well, impairs your concentration & thinking, leading to your slow & unsatisfactory performance. Excess anxiety also temporarily block one?s thinking, judgment & decision taking capacity because of which you fail to recollect your answer spontaneously, nor could see your mistakes even after revision. Seek professional help early. With medications & counseling sessions, you will definitely come out of this problem. Take following measures to deal with the nervousness during exam: ?Start studying early & study daily from the start of your academic session ?Revise your lessons regularly ?Have a plan to manage your time of study ?Study relaxly with a calm mind & take small breaks during studies. ?Be confident of yourself & do not compare yourself with others. ?If you feel stressed while studying, talk to someone, listen to some music or do something that relax you. ?Create the environment in your study room similar to your exam hall. Then you will find your exam hall comfortable & familiar. ?Expect exam outcomes rationally & what is within your capability. Impractical & Over expectation that is beyond one?s capability brings in fear & frustration. ?Take your class time seriously by taking notes summarizing what your teacher has said. ?During the days of preparation for exam eat healthy, stay hydrated & avoid substances of abuse, as a healthy body prepares a healthy mind. ?On the day prior to exam sleep adequately. ?Reach the examination hall before time so that you are relaxed & mentally prepared for the exam. Do not guess the exam outcomes just target to give your best. Think positive. Start writing with a calm mind. Be aware of the anxiety symptoms, & if you feel anxiety is building up, just concentrate on breathing in & out slowly or tighten & relax your shoulders or stretch your legs. You can also take a small break & drink some water ?Do not look around; just concentrate on your paper. ?Revise quickly once you finish answering. It?s a good quality to be sensitive, but it never good to be over sensitive, as it starts affecting your normal functioning. One should always enhance one?s good qualities & try to overcome one?s bad qualities. From others one should take their good & ignore their bad. Deal with criticisms by others in a matured way. If anyone scolds you, criticize you or tells something that hurt you, rather than reacting or feeling bad, first ponder over it & think deeply. If you find out that whatever said has some reality & some fault was in you then rectify it & try not to repeat it. & if you find out it was only a baseless criticism, then meet the concerned person & politely explain the fact. If someone younger to you behaves immaturely, you should reply maturely. Then they will look high on you. If you also behave the same way they did, no healthy solution will come; rather the problem will increase further. Retaliating with physical violence is never a healthy way of solving problem. Violence attracts more violence in return.Â
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