From my last breakup i. E happened 2 years I feel like everything is over for me I feel depressed every time and I do not knw what happened suddenly to me I have fear of everything, I feel like I can not do anything can not achieve anything in my life what to do in this situation. How to deal with it. How to overcome from this.
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Break up is not end of life. It's just a speed breakers. You still have long life where you meet lots of new ppl. Try to be social start doing things or activities that you enjoy doing. May you have so much better things stored for you in future. Fear can be associated with feeling of insecurity or feeling of failure. Try to find aim of your life and start working towards that. Good luck for future assistance please book appointment online here or opt for appointments at clinic.
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The end of a relationship often feels like the end of the world. After all the time and energy you have invested in it, it is very painful when it gets over. Keep in mind that life is full of ups and downs; nothing is permanent. The pain you feel today will go away with time. Give yourself time to heal. Give time, time. In the meanwhile don't isolate yourself from your friends and family. Confide in someone you are comfortable with. Make a list of life goals, and plan how to achieve them. Relationships are an important part of your life, but they are not everything. Spend time with those close to you, indulge in some enjoyable activities. Keep yourself busy. Slowly you will see that there is a lot to life. However if you are feeling suicidal, consult a psychiatrist immediately. Don't wait to feel worse.
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YOu have to forget the break up and be positive in thinking that your best partner is yet to come and do meditation and yoga. If none of this helps you you need antidepressant medicines.
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