I am having lower back pain and in the muscles of back thighs and knee joints since last six months and not able to walk except smaller distances. I Ave consulted Orthopaedic and Neurology Doctors but didn't achieve relief. This is due to reduction of gap between two of the bones of Spine.
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Mr saxena, reduction gap its common in old age--> its not create problem in all person. in some person create problem due to at that level minor inflamation ---which body not heal--> many old aged person has reduction in joint space but not problem. this is homeopathic point of view which say your immune system not proper work at same level so its not heal and this problem happen. painkiller medicine is not solution, its subside pain but never heal. so change therapy
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As the age progress we lose bone cells and calcium from our bones. After an age we need supplements for replenishing deficient nutrients in the body. At the same time we must not forget to remain active. Spine or backbone is the bridge between our brain and hip region. So it's strength and mobility decides one's activeness. It is very important to remain active. Age is just a number and living healthy throughout life should be our priority.
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Apply Hot Fomentation twice daily. Avoid bending in front. Postural Correction- Sit Tall, Walk Tall. Extension Exercises x 15 times x twice daily - lying on tummy, take left arm up for 3 seconds, then bring it down, right arm up for 3 seconds, bring down. Bring right leg up, hold for 3 seconds, bring it down. Then right leg up and hold for 3 seconds and bring it down. Repeat twice a day- 10 times. Bhujang Asana -- Lie flat on your stomach, keeping the palms out, bend the neck backward, take a deep breath and while holding it for 6 seconds, raise the chest up. Release breath and relax your body. Repeat the exercise 15 times twice daily. Core Strengthening Exercises- Straight Leg Raised With Toes Turned Outward, repeat 10 times, twice a day.
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It's because of the spinal Canal stenosis mostly at you r age and it's most common. If you have MRI scan Donne. Probably you will get answer. Simple one like Epidural injection or decompression surgery Or Major like fusion surgery These options will be easy if you don't have major comorbid conditions.
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