I am 23 years old male, I have difficulty concentrating and forgetfulness. Difficulty comprehending movies, Not able to study ,less interested in study, fatigue, for 4 years.
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Dear lybrate-user. All these symptom might be due to stress or depression. Get your thyroid, Vit B12, Vit D3 test done as deficiency of all three can cause such symptoms. Good and effective are available for your condition if taken timely. Start doing exercise and drink lot of water. Listen to loud music. Take a break for 2-3 days from work. You will get some improvement by these measures. Please consult psychiatrist. Alld best!
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As you told may be you have some learning issues without any confirmation I can't say anything. But I can suggest you that you need educational therapies but if it is not possible you can do it by yourself at home and can call us. Do some concentration exercises, some brain gym, to keep healthy your mind. For concentration make a dark black dot on a paper and paste it on a wall and just sit in front of it and see the dot continuous for 2 min. Slowly increase your time to see the dot. Focus only on dot. Do some find words in puzzle and try picture puzzle also. These exercise will help you to increase your learning abilities. If you want more help you can call us.
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CONCENTRATION TIPS Here?s some tips to get into a state of deep concentration where work / or studies flow easily so that you can do well in examinations/ and or do your work well. 1) Cut Off the Noise Getting into a state of concentration can take at least fifteen minutes. If you are getting distracted every five, you can?t possibly focus entirely on your work. Request that people don?t interrupt you when working on a big project. If you are required to answer phones and drop-in?s immediately, schedule work when the office is less busy. 2) Structure Your Environment The place you work can have an impact on your ability to focus. Try to locate yourself so you are facing potential distractions such as doors, phones or windows. This way you can take a glance to assess sounds that would otherwise break your focus. 3) Clarify Objectives Know what your goal is clearly before you start. If you aren?t sure what the end result is, the confusion will make it impossible to focus. 4) Divide Blobs. If you have a large project that needs work, clearly identify a path that you will use to get started working on it. If the sequence of actions isn?t obvious, it will be difficult to concentrate. Taking a few minutes to plan not only your end result, but the order you will complete any steps, can save hours in wasted thinking. 5) Know the Rules Get clear on what the guidelines are for the task ahead. What level of quality do you need? What standards do you need to follow? What constraints are there? If the rules aren?t clear from the outset, you will slip out of concentration as you ponder them later. 6) Set a Deadline Deadlines have both advantages and disadvantages when trying to force concentration. A deadline can make it easier to forget the non-essential and speed up your working time. If you give yourself only an hour to design a logo, you will keep it simple and avoid fiddling with extravagant designs. Time limits have disadvantages when they cause you to worry about the time you have left instead of the task itself. 7) Break down Roadblocks Roadblocks occur whenever you hit a tricky problem in your work. This can happen when you run out of ideas or your focus wavers. Break down roadblocks by brainstorming or planning on a piece of paper. Writing out your thought processes can keep you focused even if you might become frustrated. 8) Isolate Yourself Become a hermit and stay away from other people if you want to get work done. Unless your work is based on other people they will only break your focus. Create a private space and refuse to talk to anyone until your work is finished. Put a sign on your door to steer away drop-ins and don?t answer your phone. 9) Healthy Body, Sharper Mind What you put into your body affects the way you concentrate. Nobody would expect peak performance if they showed up drunk to work. But if you allow yourself to get chronic sleep deprivation, overuse stimulants like caffeine or eat dense, fatty foods your concentration will suffer. Try to cut out one of your unhealthy habits for just thirty days to see if there is a difference in your energy levels. I?ve found even small steps can create dramatic changes in my ability to focus. 10) Be Patient Before I write an article, I often sit at my desk for a fifteen or twenty minutes before I put finger on the keyboard. During this time I feel a strong urge to leave or do something else. But I know that if I am patient, I?ll stumble upon an idea to write about and enter a state of flow. Without a little patience, you can?t take advantage of flow when it rushed through you. If you need strong concentration I recommend periods of 90-120 minutes. Any less than that and you will waste too much time getting started before the flow can continue. More than this is possible to sustain focus, but you will probably benefit from a quick break. These are the general guidelines for concentration, studying well or doing your job. Regards.
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Dear lybrate-user, Concentration exercise can help you a lot in concentration. Focus on spot between your eyebrows with eyes closed. Inhale with count of 4-Hold for 2 seconds-Exhale with count of 8. Exhale = 2 Inhale. This technique helps in reducing the fatigue and in creases concentration. For concentration, you can take help of luminosity website which has brain training games with free trial. Also at other website such brain training games are available. For forgetfulness you will therapy, for which you can contact me. Interest comes when you have passion or love for a subject. Find out what you like the most to do. See its practical implementat ion and implications. If feasible persue it.
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