Give tips to get rid of acid reflux and heart burning. I also want to know does drinking beer is a reason for acid reflux and heart burn? Give me remedies for them and reason.
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Hello, Lybrate user, Acidity & gastric disorder are common now a days, caused due to irregular life style, improper,dietary habits, intake of junk-food, inadequate sleep, sluggishness of liver. Stress,anxiety & depression, persistence of chronic diseases & medicinal aggravation.�?Tk, plenty of water to eliminate toxins, dilute acid in stomach ,regulate metabolism & soften faeces (stool) to b evacuated smoothly to avoid constipation, piles &fissure. � ?go for a brisk walk in d morning to restore your blood circulation & to activate peristaltic movement to complete digestion to ease gastric disorder. � ? go for meditation & yoga to nourish your whole body to complete the digestion by stimulating edequate� digestive enzymes and to calm down stress ,being, one of d� main reasons of gastritis & peptic ulcer. � ?� your diet be simple, non- irritant, easily digestible ,on time to avoid, indigestion.� ? Consume, apples, carrots, skimmed milk, papaya,bottle gourds (lauki) ,mung- dal, �� ?Tk Homoeo medicines ,gentle & repaid in administration without any side effect, there of. @ Nux vom 30-6 pills thrice a day. @ China 200-6 pills. Thrice. � ? ensure at least 7 hrs of sound sleep in d night. �� ? Avoid, caffeine ,nicotine ,alcohol, junk food, citrus fruits, curds, pizza,bargar ,cookies & watching Tv in late night. > Your feedback matters, for further followup, pleases. Tk, care, stay fit & fine.
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Dear lybrate user, avoid oily, fried, spicy food first of all. Avoid green chillies, fast food, junk food, canned juices and drinks. Don't lie down or bend for at least 1/2 an hour after meals. Take small potions of food frequently rather than filling it to its fullest at a time. Increase water intake. Figs r good for acid reflux disease. Beverages will worsen ur complaints, try to avoid it. For medicine i ll need details, so consult online.
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Dear lybrateuser, -You have to follow some dietary precautions to prevent acid reflux & heart burn -avoid fried ,spicy, sour & junk food, also restrict intake of onion, garlic, tomatoes, mint, chocolate, not more than 1-2 cups of tea/coffee per day, avoid alcohol, tobacco completely if you take -chew your food well, do not skip meals, have meals on time, have 4-5 small meals including snacks rather than three large meals, do not lye down for at least 1-2 hrs after meals, have dinner 2-3 hrs before bedtime, raise the pillow end by 4-6 inches at night while sleeping -yes, beer drinking also causes acid reflux -take tab Pan 40, 1 tab half an hour before breakfast daily -do regular exercise like walking, jogging, yoga, deep breathing for proper digestion & to keep yourself fit.
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yes so stop alcohol and smoking do not drink water after meal(upto 4 hours, u can drink liters of water before meal do not lie just after meal avoid full stomach meal if not improved need some medication
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