I have black circles on my face (around eyes) how to over it n I hv pimples on my face .but my skin is dry .please suggest me some treatment.
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Citrus fruits contain a significant amount of ascorbic acid, which can remove the top layer of skin without damage. Squeeze the lemon juice onto a cotton ball, dab it on your skin and leave it on for 20 minutes. Repeat once or twice a day for best results. Another alternative would be to make a honey and lemon face mask. Mix the juice of half a lemon with two teaspoons of honey. Apply to the affected area for 30 minutes and then wash well. A final citrus option would be to make a paste of lemon juice with turmeric, which is also a skin-lightening agent. Add one tablespoon of lemon juice to one tablespoon of turmeric, apply to the face for 15 minutes, and wash with warm water.
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