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Please explain report of FNAC report what aaya what stage of cancer Clinical History:-Obstructive jaundice. MRCP: Suggestive of carcinoma GB with peripheral lymph node comprising CBD causing obstructive jaundice. FNAC Site:- EUS guided FNA from two sites: 1) Lymph node. 2) GB mass. Gross Description:- Ten giemsa and seven pap stained slides were examined. Microscopic Description: 1) Hemodiluted smears show a polymorphous population of lymphoid cells with occasional histiocytes and sheets of benign epithelial cells. 2) Hemodiluted smears show cell clusters with nuclear crowding and overlapping, moderate nuclear pleomorphism and hyperchromasia with singly scattered atypical cells and sheets of benign epithelial cells and occasional histiocytes. Final Diagnosis :1) EUS guided FNA from Lymph node:- No definite atypical cells seen in smears examined. 2) EUS guided FNA from GB Mass:- Features are suggestive of Adenocarcinoma. Advised:- Histopathological correlation.
1Doctor Answered
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Dear Mr. Manish, From what you have explained it appears to be a locally advanced Ca. Gall bladder. Usually they are very aggressive . I would get a PETCT done, if its only locally advanced , a plastic stenting needs to be done ( through ERCP or PTBD). this should be followed by 3 cycles chemo and reassessed. If there is a good response, then surgery can be contemplated. Though guidelines suggest only palliative chemotherapy with or without radiation for locally advanced gall bladder cancer. Some patients respond to chemotherapy and can be successfully salvaged with surgery
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