I have black circles and sunken of my eyes please help how to treat that problem. I suffering from this problem last 3 year.
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Dark circles are a common problem but the cause for its occurrence has to be determined. Most of the times, it's genetic that is it runs in the family. But inadequate sleep, nutritional deficiency or working on laptop for long hours can also cause this. Please get your hemoglobin checked. Creams can be tried, which are specially made for treating pigmentation on this area. Chemical peels are also another option. Please use a sunscreen. You contact me through online consult option for detailed prescription and all other precaution to be taken.
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Dear Lybrateuser, - Have adequate fluids including 8-10 glasses of water per day - apply cut slices of cucumber on eye as pack for 10-15 min a day - apply a skin lightening ointment at night like Himalaya under eye ointment for 2-3 months - sleep well for 7-8 hrs at night - have a well balanced diet with more of fruits & vegetables, whole grains, proteins, lean meats & healthy fats - do regular aerobic exercises to improve blood circulation & oxygen supply to the body.
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