Hello doctor. I had been suffering from blepharitis for few years. Doctor gave me some medicines. Now blepharitis is gone but lower eyelids of both eyes are still red. Redness is not going .what should I do? Thanks.
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It may be allergic. Go for allergy test from endocrine laboratory Ahemedabad. Meanwhile use Paraxin eye drops. Tab. Lacto-LM daily for 10 days.
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You are suffering from squamous blepharitis in which white dandruff like material get deposited on lid margin ,in long run lids gets thickened & gradually eyelashes get lost �causing redness & intense itching in eyes ,it is directly related with dandruff in the scalpe. There in no cure for it ,but you may get relief if you follow as advised below. � � � Take a small amount of sodium bicarbonate �(mitta soda in Hindi) in a bowel (katora) fill it with �clean water (200 ml)& also add a piece of cotton ,boil it �,let it be cool at bearable temperature ,clean lid margin with cotton in front of mirror, your eye lids will be cleaned because dandruff or white material is soluble in sodium bicarbonate, let allow lids to dry. When lids gets dried, you should apply optithrocin Eye ointment+ neosporin H Eye ointment 3- 4 times daily & rub it on lid margin clean index finger, you should clean daily at least for 3 months& apply ointment as told above. For dandruff in scalp you should use Nuforce Anti Dandruff lotion at least once or twice a week depending on severity.
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