Hello! I am in relationship since 5 years I love him very much but when ever he keeps me away when he is with his family he does not even call me for days I really get very angry we exchange lots pf words b/w us what should I do to control my anger?
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If he has an explanation for his behaviour, then it will be okay if the reasons are appropriate. So, ideally, you should ask him why he does that. It could also be that he has not told his family about you and it may be because he is afraid or is not sure. But there is no point of you living in doubt and allowing this impasse. Talk to him and get out the truth soon. Your anger is okay unless you lose control over it.
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Hello lybrate-user firstly be calm any decision of life can not take in a second or in anger or in depression. U r in relation from 5 years firstly to know about your relation you workout on this make some distance with that person do not be so depend on any one a girl have to left her parents home its a huge pain in life so a left a wrong person its not so much tough and one thing just be straight forward if he is ready to tell about you his family then carry on meet with his family if not then please left this. Hope so you get your ans good luck for your life. If any query you can talk any time.
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