I am 21 years old. I have deep visible blackheads on my nose and cheeks from last 7-8 years. Please tell me effective remedy for this. How can I get rid of this.
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mix two tablespoons of baking soda and two tablespoons of water together to form a paste. Massage the paste onto your face, rinse off with warm water, and then be sure to moisturize afterward. This mixture could dry your skin, so don?t use it more than two or three days a week. Inbetween apply coconut oil on the face and do not use soap to wash it off
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Using coconut oil on face as suggested will increase the oilyness of the dmface and cause more pimples. Acne can be treated easily with facewash, tablets and creams. Some people have more oilyness on the face which results in breakouts. After completing treatment for controlling the active breakouts, tablets can be stopped and creams need to be continued to prevent recurrence. Diet and lifestyle modifications are also important. Please don't do any self treatment such as over the counter Steroid creams. Don't burst the pimples with your fingers as it can result in ugly scars. The marks and pores left behind after the pimples heal can also be treated. Please call me or send your photos through online consult option for detailed prescription and diet advice.
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