Sir I am suffering from anxiety depression stress from past few years. I'm taking panazep25 bupron150 dicorate500 from last 3 month s. It has helped me by 50pc. I want to take some more effective anti-anxiety medicine. Pls advice.
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It is good to hear. Youcgot 50 % improvement in my opinion. To get more improvement. You can increase dose of paroxetine and buproipon. Even cognitive behavior therapy wil help you along with medications. You can consult Psychiatrist for CBT. Thank you.
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Hello Mubeen I can suggest you some natural ways to get rid of all these can try: You have a lot of things you?re feeling responsible for and feel a need to control. I would suggest you break it down into what you can and can?t control. You can control your academics and you might lighten up a bit. In the real world, eventually nobody cares about your academic record but how you perform on the job. You cant control your parents or whether they get divorced or not, which doesn?t mean you?re immune to the hurt. Get your sleep. Lay off the sugar. Get some exercise and recreate. cut down on the caffeine. Get over to the student health center and talk to a counselor. They see this kind of anxiety routinely and know how to help you overcome it. You?re going to be all right and you will get through this. Thank You All The BEst
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