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I am male, 30 age, I got divorced in may 2016. Since den anxiety n depression all symptoms I had. My doc gave me fluvoxin cr50 mg n petril beta 10 mg. As tym went I got lowest dose. Now I taking homeopathy n sulpitac 100 mg. My symptoms rite now, I am feeling like I not alive, everything is fake like feeling, mind is slow, dim,depressed, slight fear, lost the reality touch. Isolated, inactive, sad, y is this all happening? I need help? Is it due to sulpitac or I have some prob?
1Doctor Answered
91% (39 ratings)
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Dear user, no medicine can make you happy. Your attitude, thoughts, emotions, positive approach towards life will provide you happiness. You have to love yourself and love your life. Be confident and optimistic, add activities in your daily routine, call and discuss your problems then I?ll be able to help you properly, tc.
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