Hello sir 1 month back my uncle expired due to sudden bike accident in native place, after 4 days in my mind repeatedly negative thoughts started to come continuously, like any time anything can happen, today I will be their or die, why do I study if I will die one day, like that, I went to doctor for this he gave me fluvator 50 mg tab, after taking this my sleeping cycle stopped, I wasn't able to sleep, then too I continued this for week, while taking this some time I feel ok, nd some time I becomes sad, depressed I became very anxious, so I decided to stop taking this by myself, after stopping this in 3 days I got a strong thought that I will be no more for no reason, it was so strong that it made me to go to doctor, I told him to check my BP, he said your bp is ok, Next day again I went to my psychiatrist he said to take that fluvator 50 in morning and frisium 5 mg tab again, even after taking this, for some time I feel ok, after some time my mind get depressed am not feeling good? Please help Is this medicine is harming me, or helping me?
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Greetings Mr. lybrate-user As you mentioned that your uncle expired in an accident few days back and since then you are undergoing such repetitive thoughts and they are increasing to an extent that you get such thoughts that "anytime anything can happen, today I will be there or I will die and why should I study if I will die one day" See there are certain reasons that why spcific kind of thoughts come to our mind. Possibly you were very close to your uncle and that is why you are surrounded with such thoughts. Sometimes closeness with the person does not matter at all and even if we see some stranger in a road accident we get affected by it. One needs to have this thought in one's mind that no body lives forever on this earth and that is how nature has created us or everything on this earth. Every person performs whatever roles are given to us and we leave after performing those roles. And there are people who die in their mid ages when it is not even expected as per our psyche, but we have no control over death. It is inevitable. But till the time we are living our life we need to perform our roles as a positive person. You know if you will keep yourself engrossed in such thoughts for a longish duration, they will simply multiply and will take you nowhere. It would be better start reading, watching something positive and generate motivation within yourself to combat with such thoughts. It would be recommended that you should get back to your routine tasks and work else your important time would be wasted and you will not be able to create the future the way you have thought. Moreover, since childhood most of the people experience such loss where their loved ones or strangers depart, but that does not mean that we stop doing our things. I understand that your fear is genuine and one should give a thought about Death once in a while but if any thought is overpowering, you need to work upon it. You can also consult a psychologist in who can help you in dealing with your anxiety. But try to be align yourself and do not let the thoughts overpower you. Human Mind can construct or destruct anything. So try to regain the motivation you had and you will definitely see a change in yourself. Regards "anytime
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Dear Lybrate user. It will be quite shocking to face such kind of sudden loss of our near and dear ones. The psychological and behavioral problems you are facing will be gone sooner or later on its own accord. what you have to do is, talk more about him with your friends and family members, particularly the good and bad things about him. And try to get involved in as many social activities as possible. Your thought about the instability of human beings is right. but on the flip side, you can see people who have been happyly living even after their 80s or 90s. One of our old saying, "we should accept the fact that everything/everyone near and dear to us is subject to change, decay or die" is worth remembering. If you are not on the right track in a few weeks, CBT (a form of psychotherapy) Will help you to get out of this trap soon.
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You r having with atypical symptoms Depression is a very common problem. There are so ever so many much worse than u. Yours is a little problem No need to worry. Stop smoking and Alcohol Have regular exercise like walking swimming cycling jogging with friends for one hour Holidays once in a week Nexito 20 mg daily Yoga Take fish and vegetables.
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