My weight is 64 n height 5.2 day by day my weight is increasing n I am suffering from acne on my face. As I am busy in my work n don't get time to do exercise but I do kapalbharti pranayam everyday. Kindly suggest me some diet so that I can follow n exercise too to reduced my weight.
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Mr. lybrate-user, Thanks for the query. With a BMI of 25.81 kgs/M2, you are overweight. Your ideal weight should be about 57 kgs. So will have to work towards reducing those extra kgs. I can not believe that a man does not get time for exercise in the day. Unless you you manage your time properly and spare some time for exercise, it is not possible to maintain a good health. Doing only pranayam is unlikely to reduce weight. Even pranayam needs 40 to 45 minues (Bhastrika 3 minutes, Kapalbhati 15 minutes, Bahya 2 to 3 minutes, Agnisar 2 to 3 minutes, Anulom vilom 15 minutes, Bhramari 2 to 3 minutes & Udgit 2 to 3 minutes) There is no short cut in weight reduction. Your diet should provide about 1400 to1500 calories per day. There are many plans shown on the net, follow one of those. Avoid sweets, junk foods, pastries, bakery items, foods made from maida, alcohol and smoking. Consume more of green leafy vegetables, salads and fruits. Thanks.
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