I am in mental tension because my GATE exam is just one month away and I am having mood swings at this time means when I get stress I started to study more but more of the time I feeling to quit the preparation and starts watching TV (its not good foe my career). I don't what is happening, I hope you are getting.
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You are anxious and fearing your exams. Follow a set schedule. Some strategies that will help you to maintain calm: 1. Sleep well 2. Go out in the sun and exercise for 15-20 minutes in the morning. 3. Half an hr- one hr, keep some time for recreational activities. 4. Create specific time slots for studying. 5. Take good anount if breaks. Most importantly practice mindfulness exercises. For further details, you can consult me through private chat.
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Hie lybrate-user. There is only one work brain can do at a time, especially when it comes to studies. You can either talk, or study. You can't do both. And, this determination to continue studying without giving in to talking (any distraction) is what we say concentration. And, when will you not give in to talking, but to the reading? When the necessity arises. You have an exam tomorrow, you turn your books upside down! (but even then there wouldn't be complete concentration as your mind is busy with anxiety, we will come to that later) Have an incentive You must make deadlines to have a better focusing power. A target to reach, and an award to gain at the end will drive you to complete the task to certain extent. This technique works best with children, by luring them to complete their homework in exchange for a chocolate. But, we are past that stage and for us, we need a better motivation and that would be pride. Pride is a very good motivator when it comes to studies, and its positive usage will increase your concentration levels as you have something to prove (could be to self, friends, family, girlfriend, anyone.) Have a clarity Unclear mind will hinder with your progress. You aren't sure if you can read the particular chapter. You aren't sure if you can complete it. You aren't sure if you can memorize it. Your unsure nature will dampen your enthusiasm and in return, your concentration fluctuates. You read a sentence, and that devil named what if is back. That put a break in your study journey, and it takes a whole before you can get rid of it. Know it, believe it. It is all in your mind. This is a real-life deadlock. I will read if I understand it. I will understand it only if I read it. Unless you break the chain, it will go on. --------------- Now, you have an incentive and a clear mind without any prejudices. That won't do. You still need to work on few more things. Surrounding Your surroundings should be as per your convenience. Do you prefer reading on bed? Or mat? Or a chair? Do you refer the room with fan? Or without it? Or outside in nature? Do you prefer sitting in a calm and silent place? Or a chatty one? Do you prefer surrounding yourself with food-snacks? Water? Eatables? Do you prefer hard music while reading? Or soft music? Or no music at all? Do you prefer reading in a large reading rooms? Or in private? Do you prefer a combined study? Or a single preference? Your concentration will be to its maximum when you are in apt surrounding suiting your preferences and tastes. I am likely to have greater concentration reading on bed, with fan, a slightly chatty atmosphere with soft music, eatables around me in a private room and no group study. Yes, you can read in other conditions too, but build your concentration with the factors favorable to you, and then it becomes a bit easier to deal with unfavorable factors. So, pick yours today. Make efforts to achieve or recreate that surrounding around you. No expectations Don't hold any expectations. Don't. A million times no. You aren't a robo, and yes, you will take more time than you planned. Don't be disappointed if you complete only one question in the time you allotted for 3 questions. It is not because you were lacking concentration, it is because you are reading it with your own abilities. Thinking is far more easy than doing, and we always hold a greater number when it comes to studying. It is absolutely normal. There is nothing wrong with your concentration power, or your reading skills. It is a trick played by our mind. The sooner you accept it, you won't be dragging down your normal concentration. ---------------- Those will help you get to the right state of mind, and maintain that concentration, but you should follow these methods to boost that concentration. Interval study technique Did you ever notice that you always tend to remember the first and the last of your study session? The most of the part that you fail to recall falls under the middle category of study. Suppose you study continuous for 1 hour, your concentration will be the maximum at the beginning and at the end as you are getting to the end of your study time. In those 60 minutes, you are likely to remember only 20 minutes of the study, the remaining being a blur. To avoid this interval study technique is mostly adopted (actually there isn't any specific reference of this technique. This is from observations I made and few other facts combined) You divide that same 1 hour into 3 intervals each of 20 minutes. Each 20 minutes interval when divided at its most has 10 minutes and other 10 minutes with no prominent middle time group. Now, you take another 10 minutes gap, before starting the next 20 minutes cycle. This way, you will have 2 intervals of 20 minutes for study, and another 20 minutes (10 + 10) for break. In 1 hour, you will be making the best of 40 minutes and at the same time be rejuvenating yourself. I also call this a 20 minute study cycle. With practice, you can slowly increase the interval range form 20 to 40 to 1 hour. But, a break for every 45-50 (avg 1 hour) minutes is preferable. Water dosing Mind work exhausts you faster than physical work. Generally, people advice you to wash your face if you are feeling drowsy. But, as a matter of fact, for the next consequent 10-15 minutes, you will be drowsy! The best remedy to keep your concentration intact is to drink water, not splash it on your face. Being hydrated is an easy and inexpensive way to increase energy levels. You don't need vitamin water or sports drinks; they only add extra unneeded calories. Keep a fresh water source with you at all times and drink throughout the day. Add lemons, limes or oranges for taste variety (if you want) Drink water. Some prefer caffeine (it has nervous system stimulants ). Chocolates work on the same principle (dark chocolates are preferred) Other tips: Stay away from distractions (to reduce the chances of swaying your mind) Don't isolate yourself, and have minimal peer talks (absolute necessary boost for concentration) Have a timetable made for your study (no matter you follow it, or not ). Timetable will help organize your study, and give a clear mind, instead of jumbled thoughts of what to read. Meditation/ Dancing/ Yoga will help you relax your mind, and clear it of any prior negative thoughts. Try toning down anxiety to the maximum. It will only make you jumpy and decreases concentration power. Summing this up: Make studying a necessity - Have an incentive; have clear mind Make yourself comfortable - Favourable surrounding; less expectations Study methods - 20 minute/ interval study technique; water dosing Extra tips - No distractions; social talks; timetable; meditation; no anxiety. Thank You All The Best.
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