I have problem related mania. When I do any dusting and touch any kind of dustbin and I clean my hand, I think that my hand is not clean and cleaning again and again. Also same situation happening during cleaning the house and dusting, doing repeat work again and again. Please help me in this regards.
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Repetitive tasks, intrusive and repetitive thoughts, checking, counting, disproportionate excess need for order and cleanliness, as well as anxiety when not able to do the same are signs of obsessive compulsive disorder. Patients with OCD suffer from significant distress, anxiety and depression due to the same which impairs their quality of life. Please consult a Psychiatrist at the earliest. With a combination of medication and behavioral therapy it is likely that the symptoms will improve.
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We observe actions of our elders when we're young and learn values behind those actions for them. It could be possible that you may have a suppressed feeling of guilt, and a significant family member who was very particular about cleanliness at home. Therefore, you may have unconsciously learnt this habit of cleaning your hands whenever a particular thought/feeling disturbs you. Consulting a psychologist at the earliest may help you reach the root cause of this problem, and once you understand that, you maybe able to get rid of this compulsive behaviour.
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Hello. From the brief information provided by you, it appears that the constant fear of contamination may have lead to some ritualistic behaviours which may be indicative of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). However, it would require further clarification of how it affects you an other aspects of your life to make a concrete diagnosis. I urge you to seek help from a mental health professional - psychiatrist or psychologist. Until then, try to notice the other possible repetitive patterns that you may have in other activities.
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