Sir my age is 18 I have some mentally difficulty such as I feel some thoughts going on my mind I can not handle or stop it or when I thinking some thoughts goes on my mind. Sometimes thought of suicide also comes, I feel my body is out of my control, I can't focus my concentration also go low, I can not enjoy or feel happiness no emotion. I can't remember thing. I find difficulty in speaking but there are no problem with my body. I feel lack of confidence or self-esteem. Most of the time I spent at my house I can't go outside of my house or I found difficulty to meet people this routine of almost 4 year. Please help me to get ride of it.
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Hello lybrate-user. The internet can be a scary place to work on overcoming shyness. You tend to spend a lot of time reading horrible advice from people who haven?t actually dealt with shyness or social anxiety at all. This means a lot of ?just get over it? and having your situation compared to somebody else?s. Shyness doesn?t work that way. The ?just get over it? mentality massive compounds the issue (training the lower levels of your brain that you actually SHOULD be shy) and timeframes for dealing with shyness vary pretty widely. I speak from experience here. I spent years wasting away my life watching people around me have a social and dating life. I regret how long it took me to improve things for myself but when I eventually did it was because I learned from someone who actually knew what they were talking about. I won?t tell you how to live your life just don?t do what I did and waste years away alone. Sing your thoughts. Try singing your thoughts to the alphabet song or to Row, Row, Row Your Boat. Your thoughts will certainty sound absurd this way, which is the whole point. It takes a little practice to get the hang of defusion techniques, so do not give up. Many of my clients use them, and each person develops their personal favorites. Ive tried all of the above except for saying my thoughts in a funny voice. Im pretty sure it would be helpful, if I could only get my mind to stop telling me how silly Id sound. I have had the same thing for years too. I tend to blame myself for having the thoughts, and think that I?m evil for what are usually self-destructive feelings about myself, so it becomes like a vicious circle. This evening after getting into a bit of that at work (and one colleague actually telling me I was negative - which I took as being unfriendly to me, but which was just him observing that I take things the wrong way) I decided enough is enough, and so that?s why I was looking up on the internet for some solutions. Life is too beautiful for us to let these gremlins ruin it! good on you for caring about how your negative thoughts affect others - we who are prone to this need to see thiings in that light, even though our ?bad? self might always try to pull us back into the dark side, we should resist this, and that way we will be light to others in the end (i know it?s not easy). Please keep trying and I wish you love and light I like my negative thoughts they remind me of how good my positive ones are. Negative thoughts keep the mind in problem solving mode. Imagine a mind with only positive thoughts. No problems no solving = A HAPPY brainless http://sponge. So what I am trying to say is Nearly happy nearly unhappy. These techniques are probably great for people who have no mental health issues and very few things that truly affect them. For the rest of us however they?re totally ineffective unless I?m in a great mood already. What if you are perfectly aware you?re negative thoughts aren?t true? I know the thoughts I have aren?t realistic but I can?t stop myself from spiraling down. I feel like if I ever want to control these thoughts I have to constantly be conscious about them. To me that seems like an impossible task? I?ve tried all of these but the negative thoughts are so many that I can?t keep up with them. I try to label them but a negative thought pops up about that. I think back to all the friends who left me because?. Well I don?t know and push my real friends away because I?ll only hurt them and me. I don?t know what to do? and yes I tried to tell a parent but they dismissed it as average shyness as they don?t see me being shy. Any ideas other then therapy? Dear Anonymous, I can tell you?re a really lovely person, something about you that is sensitive and nice?. It is so sad that these sort of bad feelings and thoughts get in the way of us living our lives. I have one suggestion, which just popped up out of my creative mind. (I apologise in advance if this seems trite or meaningless to you) Could you perhaps imagine yourself running down a long road trying desperately to catch up with all these stupid thoughts? Haha, perhaps through this shyness you will emerge as a gorgeous butterfly person who has a sense of humour about life and can empathise with others who are shy, and truly be a light to your friends and the world in general. I?m just 17 years old and my mind is constantly being plagued of the unseen. I have read a lot on demonology and I keep having thoughts that they might show themselves before me. My sleep has been disturbed because of this for a few months now. I keep trying to think of other things but this always pops up in my head. I only sleep for about 3?4 hours a day and wake up for school later on. I also have trouble sleeping when no one is near me and I tend to not sleep. Have you heard the old adage, ?Idle mind is the workshop of the Devil?? Yes, an idle mind is the workshop of the devil. Keep yourself engaged in what interests you. Some of the things you could do: Identify your passion. Hope this might help. Once you have identified your passion, indulge in it. Make it a habit. Spend time with your grandparents or children or pets. Don?t listen to negative words from people. Distance yourself from people who always talk negative things. Do not overthink. Awareness is the beginning of change. Be aware what makes you overthink and try ways to solve it. Don't think of what can go wrong. Instead think of what can go right. Train your mind to think about good things only. If some specific thing is bothering you, try to write it on a sheet of paper. It would help you to put things into perspective. Most important! Try to forget the thought that you are having negative/disturbing thought ;) Divert yourself into happiness. Try to motivate others. Let positive thoughts give you positive life :)
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