My face complexion is darker than rest of my body I want fair skin what can I do I am just 18 years old so will a chemical peel be safe or what is the best option for me to get my fair skin back.
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There are various treatment for pigmentation. From creams containing hydroquinone to milder ones of Kojic acid, niacinamide, arbutin. There is options of glutathione injections to oral tablets with vitamin C, also laser toning also gives good results. Laser toning using Q switch NdYag laser is an option but results variable. You can start initially on milder depigmentation creams which contain kojic acid, arbutin, niacinamide like Melaglow at night and use sunscreen three times a day. Suncreen needs to be used atleast once a day if staying indoors as there is UV light exposure even from artificial light. The suncreen we recommend is Faceguard it is non oily and matte finish and good even for sensitive skin. And depending on type of skin whether oily or dry you can choose a face wash. It need examination and personalized plan. You can consult in private with photographs.
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