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In a world full of personal computers, hand-held video games, smartphones and e-readers, and hours of television, eye-related problems such as Computer Vision Syndrome are increasing in many people. Before your eyes are badly strained, have blurry vision and needlessly suffer headaches, follow these tips before it reaches a critical stage. Tips to Curb your Screen Habits 1. Blink- The average human being blinks 20 times a minute ? but only 7 times a minute when using a computer. The longer the eye remains open between blinks, the more likely the cornea is to dehydrate, burn or ache. Blink often to keep the eyes moist. It washes your eyes in naturally therapeutic tears. 2. Look Away- For every 20 minutes that you spend watching television, reading, or working on the computer, stare at an object 20 feet away from you for 20 seconds. Better yet, take a 10-minute bathroom break at least every two hours, even if you don?t have to go. Walk there, back or anywhere, letting your eyes idle. Hey, chit-chat with a co-worker while you are at it and ask them how they are doing! 3. Bring an object (such as a pen) as close to your eyes as possible while still being able to focus on the object clearly, then focus on an object 10 feet away from you. Repeat this exercise for 3 to 5 minutes several times per day. 4. Roll your eyes upward towards your eyebrows, and then roll your eyes in a large circle. Repeat every few hours when using your computer or watching television to combat Computer Vision Syndrome. 5. Try Palming- ?Palm? your eyes by covering them with the palms of your hands, blocking out the light completely for 1 to 3 minutes several times a day. Palming is one of the most relaxing things you can do for your eyes. 6. Try Natural Home Remedies- This might sound funny, but put potato slices on your closed eyes for about 20 minutes. If you eyes are burning, itchy and irritated, this old homemade remedy just might help you. Rose water is a relaxer and can be used as eye drops for soothing effect in tired and fatigued eyes. Wash and flush your eyes in cool tap water. BESIDES this, eat healthy and nutritious food, avoid alcohol and smoking, avoid spicy and junk food, eat salads and sprouts, be hydrated, take proper sleep and be stress free I hope the above tips will help you. For more queries contact us.
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Systane ultra eye drops for the same.
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