I am suffering from hypertension since last 4 months. Tablet I am taking Eritel AM & Ciplar LA 40. Last visit to my doctor my B.P. Was 130/80. When I was first visited to doctor it was 150/100. Let me know is that medication will take long term ot its only seasoned disease?
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Hypertension is both a lifestyle and dietary disease which require only a lifestyle solution and dietary changes and does not need medicines. Do not believe blindly what your doctors say you have to take medicines lifelong They may have vested interests which ia already known to you. Detailed medical, dietary,occupational ,social, family,and environmental history taking is important to find the root cause. Reduce Salt, Reduce stress, Exercise daily-Sleep for 8 hours, reduce weight if you are over weight Has your Dr. done inflammatory panel tests, thyroid panel testing .Mineral and vitamin deficiency testing and their results. Get educated about the disease you have and question your doctor .You should have complete control over your health and not your Dr. Doctors are taught by pharma companies to medicate and get kickbacks for prescribing medicines Has your Dr. Excluded reversible causes of hypertension which when detected and treated completely reverses your BP So Get the Right tests done, so that you do not get bad surprises later. Get the Right Advice from the Right doctor who takes a detailed history and educates you before medicating you. Send a feedback with your name and contact number and try to reverse your BP by diet and lifestyle and few food supplements without any medication. I am a Lifestyle, and wellness Consultant from USA and only my initial consult works through Lybrate. I treat the root cause and not the symptoms Treat your personal trigger for high BP to fix the root cause and get off BP medications for ever provided you do not have any structural heart disease proved by cardiac tests like Echo, TMT etc.
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Usually Hypertension persists for life and you need to take medicines lifelong unless you reduce your weight and change your lifestyle and habit and if BP comes down then you may be able to stop medicines.
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