Sir can you help me I am suffering from one big problem my face have one big Birthmark, can you please tell me hiw I can remove it.
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It can be removed by laser.
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You can remove the birth marks by doing laser therapy.
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This can be done only by laser therapy.
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Hello. Moles are usually since the birth and hence are deep seated. There are several non surgical ways like Lasers. Which you can go for to get those removed, but it depend upon the size of the moles and their colour etc. Few times there might be a mark remaining in that place for which you will have to go for more sittings. Surgical excision is also one of the way you can treat them. But as said the type of treatment will be decided only after examination and discussing with you about your requirement. You can text me online for further enquiry with the pictures if possible. Have a great day.
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