My father is 48 years old. He was diagnosed with high bp and cholesterol in 2015.In 2016, he had pulmonary tuberculosis and got required treatment and recovered. However,after that his cholesterol levels have come down but triglycerides remained about 150 -200. So,doctor prescribed him medicines to reduce triglycerides. On taking those medicines, he lost weight very fast and also his triglycerides became normal. The doctor discontinued the medicines. Now, after 6 months, he had a routine blood test and his triglycerides is 288, and VLDL is 55. His weight is now 62 kgs and is also very thin. He takes a balanced diet. No mutton and also he occasionally eats chicken and eggs. No bad habits like alcohol, smoking,tobacco, etc. He walks for 1-2 hours everyday in morning. He has constipation problem and occasionally needs to take laxatives. Currently he is on Telma AM H 40 and his bp is well managed. Weight 62 kgs, Height 170 cm. please Help.
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Please stop worry about the triglycerides, these levels especially when isolated do not cause any major issues and are mainly due to higher amounts of simple carbohydrate & sugar consumption in the body. Just ensure that he doest eat the egg yellow and also avoid excessive sweets or sweet containing products like biscuits, pastries etc & sweetened drinks like coke or packaged juices.
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Tuberculosis was treated years ago That has no relation to triglycerides His blood pressure is under control Triglycerides can be high in certain families due to genetics Lemon juice and water helps bring down bad fats Give him good fats like a spoon of desi ghee or butter and a katori of assorted nuts Good cholesterol levels will bring down the bad cholesterol levels Walking helps Eating more of seasonal vegetables and fruits also helps Regarding weight loss, visit the local doctor only if there are associated symptoms like loss of appetite and low grade constant fever
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