Hello, I am getting from past few days around week .I am getting very very big pimples one near cheek, one chin, one forehead, near nose and for these I am using benzyl peroxide and azithromycin antibiotics also but not much cured. If pain is reduced also immediately it leaving very black big scar and pimple type structure under the skin. I'm not understanding what might be the cause. I DNT have hormonal imbalance problem also. Except dermatologist to which doctor I should consult regarding this. Thanks in advance.
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Homoeopathy is wonderful in treating such chronic, repetitive complaints. It builds up immunity and restores health of an individual. For medicine consult online in private with detailed account of your complaints and reports. If you're suffering from acne, you're not alone. Acne is a common skin condition that happens when oil and dead skin cells clog the skin?s pores. It normally occurs on the face, chest, back, shoulders, and neck. Acne can be caused by many things: heredity, hormones, and oil production. Avoid touching your face. Dirt and bacteria on your hands can clog your pores and make acne worse if you constantly touch your face. If your skin feels irritated from acne, use a gentle, oil-free daily facial wipe to remove excess dirt and calm your skin. Do not squeeze or pop your blemishes or you may risk developing scars. Squeezing a pimple might even spread the bacteria further Wash regularly. Wash your skin using your fingertips, once in the morning and once at night. Remember to thoroughly rinse your skin with lukewarm water after washing it. Limit washing to twice a day and after you sweat. Sweating can irritate your skin. Wash your skin as soon as possible after sweating. Eat a healthy diet. Avoid meat that contains hormones and similar substances which could throw your hormones out of balance, causing acne. Instead, eat plenty of fiber, fresh vegetables and fruits. Foods rich in vitamin A, C, E, and zinc can help reduce the severity of acne through the nutrients? anti-inflammatory properties. Apply aloe vera gel. Daily apply aloe vera gel liberally over your skin. You can find it at most drug stores. Aloe vera is a succulent plant with antibacterial properties that are effective in treating acne and reducing inflammation. It prevents bacteria from infecting acne wounds and speeds up the healing process Some people may be allergic to aloe. If a rash develops, stop using it For medication Consult online in private.
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For people with severe acne oral retinoids helps control sebum production and pimples. You may need actibiotics to control active acne like oral doxycycline and local clindamycin creams. Once the acne is under control then you can start treatment for pimple marks which may be pigmentation or scars. There are various treatments for acne scars which include creams, chemical peels, microdermaabrasion, microneedling, radiofrequency, surgery, fat fill laser etc. Creams work only for superficial pigmentation not for scars. You can start initially on milder depigmentation creams which contain kojic acid, arbutin, niacinamide like Melaglow at night and use sunscreen (SPF 35 and above) three times a day. Laser toning using Q switch Nd Yag laser is an option but results variable. You may need 6-8 sessions at 3 weeks gap. And depending on type of skin whether oily or dry you can choose a face wash. It need examination and personalised plan. You can consult in private with photographs.
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