My question is related to Dermatology. I have oily skin and I am having severe acne and acne scars on my face. I have consulted a doctor few weeks back and she prescribed to use aziderm (azealic acid) ointment and azithromycin tablet. Although, I am using it but don't see much improvement, infact now I can see many new acnes coming up. My doctor has suggested to go for chemical peeling in 5 sittings but with no assurance of permanent cure. Since chemical peeling is costly, I would like to know if there is alternative procedure or any permanent cure for acne? Can I give a try to Retino AC Gel (Tretinoin and Clindamycin), does it gives good result in severe acne? OR I should go for chemical peeling?
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I don't think antibiotics can really change your skin texture as purpose of antibiotics to kill bacteria rest is your choice, you can try taking homeopathic medicine which can give you good results which is good for health with less side effects.
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Yes. Ideally oral treatment with isotretinoin (avoided if you are planning for pregnancy) should be taken. Peeling is always an add on never the base drug and doctor is treating with approach one. You can ask her to change the approach as peeling seems expensive to you. Use retino A micro gel 0.04% local application at night (thin film all over face in a rice grain sized quantity except. Around eyes) Use Brevoxyl creamy wash in morning followed by Clindac A lotion on face. No hair oil. Continue azithro. And continue azelaic acid on pimple and pimple marks 2 hours after retino at night. Else ask your doc to change the approach.
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