I am a male 34 years old suffering from anxiety and panic disorder since last 7 years had taken the treatment and doing well but again from last 6 months I am living under fear after taking medicine.
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Panic attacks are related to fear: you are afraid of something real or made up that is causing you to react in this fashion. You may not be totally conscious of it though.The important sign in panic attack is the feeling that you cannot handle fear and you are using an extreme reaction to the fear. You cannot control panic attack but you can do two things: you can change your perception of the fearful stimulus and you can change your response to the fear. The first one is the best and will preempt the need for the second. If you are already far gone into the reaction mode, then you need both responses to counter the attack. The way we see things in life (like half empty or half full glass) is very dependent on our attitude. Attitude may have developed over many years but fortunately can change in a matter of sustained choices made and acted up on now. Accordingly you choose to see things as either threatening or as an opportunity. The opportunist will be positive and work with the situation to make good out of it. The individual who sees it as threatening, will, out of fear, try to avoid/run away from the situation or react in a panic. Yes, self-belief does impact it too, but you can see that prior to that, perception will tarnish the belief system too. Here, you can see that all the resolution lies in just changing your perception/attitude, even if it is against odds. Changing your response, despite the perception, is building up of your reserves and resources to handle any contingency that life throws up at you. And life throws up situations quite regularly and heavily. For this you need to develop a fit mind and body: The former, by meditation and mind exercises; and the later, by exercises and proper diet. Included in the development of the mind is the handling of emotions, in your case fear. These changes will give you a handle on life and your perceptions and responses. You need the help of a counselor too and I am sure you have not done that. If you combine medication with therapy, you will have a somewhat permanent solution to all this. Don?t panic though because if you cooperate a counselor can be of much help to resolve this. In the meantime you must do certain things to build your constitution, both physically and mentally. Mental stability can be achieved by learning a few skills in handling emotions in an appropriate manner. Stress management skills, which have a lot to do with expressing emotions, will need to be a major part of your recovery program. Emotionally you need the help of a counselor and that will help you tremendously to move from anxiety to normal fear. Please persevere and cooperate through all the support you need and you will come through successfully. Develop your body?s health by physical fitness through exercise, good rest (sleep), and a proper diet. Any way what you need to focus on is to do vigorous exercise of the aerobic kind for the heart?s fitness; meditation for the brain?s fitness; sleep for a well rested mind and body; a sound spiritual well being for good confidence and stability; and a diet with lots of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Vigorous exercise, especially of the callisthenic kind, will make your heart, which is a muscle, grow larger; and then your heart will need to beat less often and you will respond to the anxiety with a calmer disposition. If your mind, constitution, and your emotions are in check and fit, you will never be disturbed again. The earlier you tackle this, the easier it is going to be.
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