I have acne marks on my back, the marks very prominent that its difficult to wear backless dress or tops. What could be the reason for those it on the back and what should I apply to lighten the marks or get a better result on the back.
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Use melalite for black marks. After using melalite avoid sunlight. Apply melalite after 6 pm and leave it to full night. Apply sunscreen when you are going out. For any other details contact me privately.
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Acne can be a painful and embarrassing skin condition, and the scars it leaves behind are an unwelcome reminder of that. A dermatologist can help remove raised or pitted scars. While hyper-pigmented blemishes may fade after several months, you can help speed up the process. Realistically, you will not be able to make acne scars disappear in a single night, but the remedies, products, treatments, and skincare tips will certainly produce a noticeable difference over time. Apply fresh lemon juice. Lemon juice has natural skin bleaching properties, and can help to effectively lighten your acne scars. Simply combine equal parts lemon juice and water and apply this liquid directly onto your scars, avoiding the surrounding skin. Wash off the lemon juice after 15 to 25 minutes or you could put the lemon juice on overnight as a mask. Use honey. Honey is a great natural solution for clearing up pimples and reducing the red marks they leave behind. This is because honey contains antibacterial properties and helps to soothe the skin and reduce inflammation. Raw or manuka honey is the most effective. It can be dabbed directly onto the scarred area, using a q-tip. Experiment with aloe vera. The sap of the aloe vera plant is a soothing natural substance which can be used to relieve many ailments, from burns to wounds to acne scars. Aloe vera helps to rejuvenate and moisturize the skin, encouraging acne scars to fade. It is possible to buy aloe vera products in the drugstore, but the best thing to do is buy an aloe vera plant and use the sap from a broken leaf. This gel-like sap can be applied directly on the scarring, and there is no need to wash off. Use an ice cube. Ice is an extremely simple home remedy which can help to fade acne scars by soothing the inflamed skin and reducing redness. To use, just wrap an ice cube in a clean cloth or piece of paper towel and hold it against the scarred skin for a minute or two, til the area starts to feel numb. Sometimes it can burn. For medication consult online in private.
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