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Blackheads occur when your pores becomes blocked by oil and dead skin. The black colour is not dirt. When the oil and dead skin are exposed to the air they oxidize, which turns them black. There are many ways to get rid of them, from homespun remedies to medical treatments. If you get it wrong you could make it worse so be careful and try not to get too frantic. Everyone gets blackheads sometimes, and everybody?s skin is different, but you can find a method that works for you. Try an egg white mask. It is thought that a proteins found in eggs may kill bacteria that causes acne. To make a face mask, separate an egg white from the yolk and, after patting dry your face, apply the egg white to your skin. You can use a cloth for this, if you use your fingers make sure they are clean and dry first. Once the first egg layer has dried, add another. Repeat this 3-5 times, always letting each layer dry first. Then wash it off and pat dry. You can add a layer of tissue between each egg layer. Peel each layer off before you wash your face at the end. Raw egg whites can grow salmonella. Be sure not to ingest raw egg white. Use warmed honey. Honey has both antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties and may assist in healing wounds and skin infections. There is, however, no evidence that it has any affect on blackheads or acne. It is thought the stickiness may help it bind to the blackheads and remove them. Warm up some honey in a pan, or place a jar of honey in hot water. When the honey is hot to the touch, but there is no danger of you burning yourself, dab it onto your blackheads and let it dry for around ten minutes. Wash off your face with a damp cloth. You can leave this treatment on overnight, but make sure it has dried or you might wake up with your face stuck to your pillow! Steam open your pores. Before you think about squeezing or pulling them out, you need to really loosen the pores. Blackheads are very sticky and won?t come out easily, but by loosening the pores you give yourself the best chance of success. An excellent way to do this is to carefully hold your face at least a foot above a bowl of steaming water for ten to fifteen minutes. Getting any closer can cause burns. Place a towel over your head so the steam can't escape. You will feel the steam beginning to loosen your pores. You can also soak a washcloth in hot water and lay it over your face. Avoid squeezing. Never squeeze, pick, or pop blackheads. Squeezing blackheads can cause inflammation and infection, and will certainly not stop the blackheads coming back FOR MEDICATION CONSULT ONLINE IN PRIVATE
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