I am diagnosed with anxiety and panic disorders. I am having panic attacks and my heart rate gets elevated. My resting heart rate is 100- 115 all the time. I feel pressure and discomfort at my heart area. I cannot sleep at night as there is always unknown fear like feeling. I have to take alprax 0.25 tab. Then also sometimes I cannot fall asleep. I had done ECG 2 times in month of june and both the time it was normal. Doctor gave me inderal 10 mg which has helped bring my HR normal. But after stopping I feel my heart thumping and Heart rate elevates to 100-115. Need some opinions.
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I appreciate you seeking help. Your health issues are primarily due to chronic anxiety/ GAD that needs to be controlled through treatment. Advise connect for a traction suitably with appropriate natural medicines. Take care and best wishes.
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You do not have heart problem do not waste time energy and money there. You need psychiatric help. Please I advise you to talk to a mental health professional in detail about what you are going through. Its confidential and will help you recover from your issues gradually. Consult with me or any psychologist for therapy & counseling. Connect with me through text or audio via Lybrate app. Ill be happy to help you. All the best. Seek help.
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